

On the first visit to the dentist, your entire oral cavity is checked apart from your chief complaint. Necessary xrays are taken or advised to give you a complete treatment plan.All the necessary treatments required for your teeth  will be explained to you and all available treatment options will be given for you to choose the best treatment.Generally, treatments are avoided right away on 1st visit until emergency as we wait for patient to get comfortable to the environment.

  2. Brush twice daily encourage your kids to do the same.
  3. Above 14 years of age, its always advisable to use mouth wash for gargling after brushing
  4. Floss your teeth to remove the food lodgments between the teeth
  5. Never use any sharp objects or tooth pricks to remove the stuck food, that will lead to increase in spaces between the teeth.
  6. Avoid eating any form of sugars in between the meals. And avoid sugars mainly in the night.
  7. Never use any product without proper prescription.


TEAM DENTX,  pledges to spread maximum awareness about importance of maintaining  oral health to prevent discomfort and huge complications to any person.As a part of this, we have been conducting many awareness camps mainly in schools as children are stepping foundation for a better and healthy future.(ADD THIS CONTENT TO DENTAL AWARENESS PROGRAMMES AND PICS OF CAMPS WILL BE UPDATED TO YOU BY SIR)

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