
surgical extraction

Surgical extraction is a tooth removal procedure in which surgical access is required to remove tooth & roots completely. Even if the tooth is visible in the mouth without surgically exposing it, surgical techniques may be necessary to remove the tooth. This includes sectioning the tooth into two or more pieces, whether or not a soft tissue incision is made. Surgical extraction includes removal of impacted wisdom teeth (third molars), extensively damaged tooth are required to be removed surgically. Stitches are sometimes required.

Usually pain, discomfort, bleeding & swelling might associated after tooth extraction but ease with the pain killers. If the pain lasts any longer than four days, you should call the dentist

Sometimes patients think that it is bleeding a lot, but it is actually increased saliva mixed with blood that they are seeing. Often, just applying a gauze pack and biting firmly will stop even the heaviest bleed.


Nobody likes the thought of an extraction, but when a tooth has reached a point where it is very difficult to restore to good function, tooth removal is necessary. The whole area of the jaw is anaesthetized and the tooth is carefully removed.Usually pain, discomfort & bleeding might associated after tooth extraction but ease with the pain killers. If the pain lasts any longer than four days, you should call the dentist. Sometimes patients think that it is bleeding a lot, but it is actually increased saliva mixed with blood that they are seeing. Often, just applying a gauze pack and biting firmly will stop even the heaviest bleed.

The flap of tissue/gum that covers a partially erupted tooth is called the operculum. A partially erupted tooth can be more prone to decay and gum disease. It also causes inflammation of the gums and infections to the adjacent tissues. In order to proceed with the treatment of a partially erupted tooth, the operculum on the tooth should be removed by surgery; this surgery is called the operculectomy. Typically, operculectomy is performed for the treatment of a partially erupted wisdom tooth.  It refers to smaller operation or procedures includes that involves cutting into or removing tissue from your mouth. It includes procedures like removing a tooth, gum surgery, and getting dental implants. Oral surgery also includes getting rid of diseased tissue from the mouth, correcting jaw problems, or repairing a cleft lip or palate. If there is a space between the only upper front teeth region, one of the most common conditions related to the gum tissues is a space created by a thick band of tissue lying between the upper front teeth known as the “frenum.” The procedure used to remove this tissue is known as a “frenectomy.

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